1-2 Children
Please note that twins under the age of 3 is $20/hour
Up to 4 Children
Event rates starts at $40/hr. Call to discuss rates.
There is a 3 hour minimum per booking.
A cancellation fee of $30.00 is charged if the agency is provided with less than 24 hours notice.
If the booking is cancelled less than 2 hours notice,the client is responsible for paying half of the amount of time booked, or $50.00,whichever is greater.
To become a member of Merry Pop-Ins, we have a $35.00 registration fee. This gives you a better rate than our drop in non-members rate.
Rates may vary for families sharing a sitter, holidays, weddings, overnights, picking up and dropping off, and parties.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.